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The 1990’s themed Unplugged Bar anchoring the bar scene for the newly developed 5 points Lane, is the brainchild of the JFall Group, an LA-based restaurant group known for their cutting edge concept bars and restaurants. Poole and Company worked closely with Henry Costa their COO to develop operational and equipment planning supporting a successful business model. At 800 gsf, every inch of space must be well designed and utilized. The interior heated and cooled space is a combination of existing buildings and two shipping containers. The design seamlessly integrated two high top containers built and installed by Birmingham’s own Smallbox Company. The shipping containers define two edges of a new courtyard.  A fluid collaboration between Poole and Co, Orchestra Partners (developer), JFall (operator), Smallbox, and Shelby Construction, the project is a hide away bar gem in the middle of the campy eclectic Southside retail district playing a vital role in Birmingham’s development renaissance.


Birmingham, Alabama


Orchestra Partners​



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